The Year Ahead – What is the Likely Impact on the Property Market

One could say that like the COVID-19 pandemic itself, the resulting outcomes in the property market were unprecedented. There was an increase in prices for the broad spectrum…

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August Market Update

As another financial year passes us by, we can reflect on what has truly been our first full financial year without a COVID-19 lockdown since it all began in early 2020, and what it’s like to return to some semblance of “normal”. At Oak, we finished the June quarter…

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Tax time and alternative finance

As we all know (unless of course, you have been living under a rock since 2020), the Australian property and mortgage lending landscape has undergone significant changes over recent years, due to macroeconomic influences like the COVID-19 pandemic and constantly…

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Private Debt as an alternative source of income

Its hard to believe that we are now in March, and before we know it, Easter and the end of Financial Year will be upon us. As investors are sitting down with their advisors, or scrutinising their portfolio returns, one might see Private Debt receiving an increasing..

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